LO1.2 Difference between types of programmes

A radio station can broadcast a wide range of programmes. They could be broadcastig a talk show or music portion on the radio station, which is what most radios have. This is where people, such as the host or another guest on the show, discuss a variety of issues, which could include anything from politics to music quizzes. Many radio stations also feature a part where listeners can call in and take a quiz or recite a word for a chance to win a reward. They could also call simply to talk about anything they've done or observed. The genre of the themes would be determined by the sort of radio station and the demographic of the listeners. Talk shows are typically hosted by a single radio personality, usually positioned as an expert in some area. Many also feature occasional guests who are interviewed, as well as one or two regular co hosts who assist the main host.

Another type of radio station is a sports talk radio station which is a radio format directly dedicated to talking about sports.Also people who are listening live can call the radio station to talk about their input and and analysis about the sport their talking about. These sports radio stations have been going on for a while but the first ever one dates all the way back to 1964 and was made primarily in New York. Not only do these broadcasts talk about what's happening in the game but they also commentate on games so that for example when people are working they can listen to what is going on in the game rather than watching it on TV. The Biggest sport radio station is TALK sport radio and it broadcasts a variety of sports but it primarily talk about football. 

Another example of a radio station is a current events type of radio programme. This programme is pretty much like the news on TV but instead people can just listen o it this time and what it does is lets listeners know the current knows and keeps them in date with events happening all around the world. Most radio stations have a feature where it has live traffic updates where people can call them up and ask what's specifically happened and what they could do to counteract it if they are nearly on it. This type of radio programmes job is to purely inform listeners and are not allowed to give out commentary or opinions. 

There is also a radio programme to do with lifestyle and these types off programmes would usually include topics to do with your health and it can range from not only physical health but mental, and financial. One thing these programmes do to attract listeners is call in an expert on a subject and allow the listeners call in and ask questions or problems they have that they want fixing. Sometimes it can also feature talks about diet and ways to cook healthier foods. These programmes are often broadcasted during morning to mid day.

The last type of radio programme is a radio dramatisation and this consists of music, dialogue and sound effects. These types of programmes are still around these days but not as common as they use to be because back in the 1940s before the television was invented it was a very popular way of listening to entertainment, however when the television was finally invented and the public could access it the radio drama side of things rapidly declined.


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