LO3 - Legal and Ethical Considerations

When a group of people who want to make a radio show are planning it there are a few things they have to consider, one of those things are legal and ethical considerations that are in the radio show. Examples of some of these regulations are fake news, copyright, offensive topics or harassment that could offed a group of ethnic people who are religious or depending on their race or even gender etc. When a radio shows in the beginning stages there are people who are regulatory agencies who's main job is to be involved in regulating the content which the public can see, they will also be relegating the legal and ethical content. The two main head regulatory bodies are OfCOMM and ASA and they mainly regulate for radio broadcasting and telecommunications however OfCOMM is the main one. What they do is before a radio is broadcasted to the public, they listen to the radio how and monitor what had been said and going on throughout and from there they can decide what is staying in and what they are going to be taking out nd not going on the show. Another thing OfCOMM do is look into detail of their consumers and what heir interests are when it comes to the market such as things like fashion or different types of technology etc. All of these regulate licensing and they can restrict songs that the radio station does not have the right to use, if they do they will get a copy right strike. 

The next one is the ASA stands for the advertising standards authority, this is another type of regulatory agency which socialises in covering promotional content and advertisement and especially radio advertisements which are usually played after the shown is done or after one of the trending sings is played. The reason why this is done is because it is to make sure that the averts are appropriate for the public to see and that they do not offend anyone, if they are not suitable for the public use then the creator will have to pay a fine. Another thing the ASA do is protect people fro make news, prohibited categories such as things like  endangered animal species and environmental clam.  

For our own radio show we are creating we need to ensure that we are fully thinking about these legal and ethical considerations and make sure that we abide their rules and copyright laws by using content that we have the legal right to use. This will also mean that we cannot use anyones work or music without their permission and we will not be able to claim owner ship of it. We will also need also use the laws of plagiarism


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